Précitechnique, the innovation as a state of mind

Posted on April 22nd, 2015

Précitechnique, the innovation as a state of mind

World No. 1 in the perfumery industry with 550 million produced parts per year Precitechnique is also a major player in stamping precision on the electronics and automotive markets

“Now we also see ourselves as a company of services. ” Thus Thierry Michaud , CEO ( second on the photo from left to right ) , considers some of the recent evolutions of Precitechnique . The company achieved its technological revolution few years ago , the workshop is seen as a model and the production tools has been quoted many times as an exemple. Today’s workforce is young and feminized , ” and the atmosphere is much better ,” he says . And if the products have high quality, if the cost control is a must, delivering the right quantity at the right time is not less important. This is accomplished with motivated and responsible teams.

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